Cider 2023

After we first moved into our home, it took a few months before we realized the tree in the center of our backyward was an actual apple tree, instead of the unhealthy crab apple tree we assumed it was. The apples were small, covered in scabs and basically inedible.

Right then we decided this tree was going to be important to our family and worth protecting, Fast forward to this year, it was by far the healthiest our apple tree has ever looked. We had more apples than we knew what to do with them.

We borrowed my dad’s recently restored cider press and got to work. It wasn’t long before the scope of the project came into view. Cidering is hard work, and if you don’t know what you’re doing you can make it even harder. Finally as we came up to speed with the process the pressing disk broke, leaving us unable to continue. We were able to make a few gallons before this happened, but it left us in lurch.

My dad sent us a new disk a week later, and we were able to continue making cider.

1927 Old Town Heavy Water

I bought this wooden canoe a few years ago to restore and use with my children. The canoe has been on the same lake in New Hampshire it’s entire life, and the old-timer that owned the boat since the 1960’s contacted Old Town, and got the full history. I hope to share the restoration process of this canoe, and eventually have a beautiful wooden canoe to paddle with my family.